Human memory : backbone of human survival

Human Memory :

Memory is the sense which makes us what we are. Without memory we are nothing, what it actually means that we are the some total of our memories of our past experiences.

Memory has evolved overtime and the human beings are gifted with most advanced memory among all the remaining animals. Humans follow a simple trend they just form memories use those memories for working efficiently and with the passing of time vanishes those memories. Formation of memories and their storage is not performed by just single part of brain in fact it is performed by most parts of the brain. New scientific researches making it easier to understand the mechanism of memory formation. 

Memory is of three types 1)sensory 2)short term memory 3)long term memory

Long term memory is believed to be having enormous capacity which can store information of millions of books. This capacity may vary person to person  and place to place. This capacity degenerates itself with life changing habits and age. but as it is rightly said that "if there's a wheel then there's a way" we can maintain healthy memory for long by eating healthy and exercising daily.



  1. enough introduction one need to know about memmory in general


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